Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Survival Season

Survival Season is what I like to call the season between "Silly Season" and the actual race season. That gap between when you put the ink to your contract, and the first time you line up. Seems to always catch a ton of guys off guard with injuries and putting them out for who knows how much of the series.

The first culprit this year seems to be Trey Canard who has broken his collarbone. We're 4 weeks out from the first race on what should be a 6 week injury and it's possibly that they will plate it and screw it and he could make the gate two weeks early. This is a dude who has broken his femur twice in the last calender year so nothing is impossible.

It is however very unfortunate for a genuine good dude in the sport. I don't think there is anyone out there who can't root for the friendly Oklahoman. Hell I am not a fan of his biblical and religious references, but i don't realy care, dude can flat ride a motorcycle and thats what I dig. And he seems like a nice kid. I'm sure he'll be right back up front as soon as he comes back from this injury.

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